
Tuesday 16 September 2014

Question Of The Day:- Can You Marry A Spouse Like Your Father or Mother? -

I recently stumbled on a thread that asked the question Why are you single, that got me thinking because I have never give that question any thought. I think the reason was because I am your typical career focused young man who rarely has the time to really invest in a relationship.
spouse father or mother Question Of The Day:  Can You Marry A Spouse Like Your Father or Mother?
Moreover I discovered also one key problem is that I am very picky. I discovered that over the years I had used a certain set of criteria to screen potential love interests criteria that where some how embedded in my subconscious. On a closer look I discovered that these criteria where identical to traits possessed my mum. Moreover it is important to note that these criteria leaned towards character and behavior and less on physical look.
For e.g I detested weak women, women who needed to pushed, who cannot take initiative, and clearly do not have a clear plan and focus for life and I find my self turned on by the go getting type of woman, the ones we call strong women. The kind that does not just have the ability to plan but also has the strong will and dedication to execute on them just like or even better than my mum. I might be attracted to a woman but one’s I get closer and discover she lacked these attributes no matter how beautiful she is my interest dies automatically
Now back to the purpose of this thread. To you reading this piece Especially if you are already married Did your parents character traits influence your choice of a spouse … did who they are as an individual define your expectation in regards to your choice of spouse…

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