
Tuesday 16 September 2014

What you need to know about the mtn android phone...

The lagos make up beauty fair...

Is nigeria this bad?

not only the crowd situation but it very clear everyone want to move out of the country...well these seems like daily situation in muritala airport, the government is not always at ffault tho! these is peoples palaba.... Have a nice day travel safe and behave safe haha....

A brief gathering...

Baht’s face pressed into the dry red and orange leaves, crushing them where he lay. He had collapsed half in, half out of the stone foundation of an ancient building. The air was full of black smoke and screams of monkeys and macaws. An arrow stuck straight up out of his forearm, pinning him to the forest dirt. The blood was dried and black and there were flies. An hour ago he’d been standing at the foot of the hill giving a speech “to his countrymen.” He’d waved his arms and shouted a lot, a rain of spittle exploding out every time he enunciated a great word.

Question Of The Day:- Can You Marry A Spouse Like Your Father or Mother? -

I recently stumbled on a thread that asked the question Why are you single, that got me thinking because I have never give that question any thought. I think the reason was because I am your typical career focused young man who rarely has the time to really invest in a relationship.
spouse father or mother Question Of The Day:  Can You Marry A Spouse Like Your Father or Mother?
Moreover I discovered also one key problem is that I am very picky. I discovered that over the years I had used a certain set of criteria to screen potential love interests criteria that where some how embedded in my subconscious. On a closer look I discovered that these criteria where identical to traits possessed my mum. Moreover it is important to note that these criteria leaned towards character and behavior and less on physical look.

Alaafin of Oyo and his wives take private jet to Bauchi

Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi, and some of his wives pictured at the airport as headed out in a private jet to Bauchi state on the invitation of the state governor, Isa Yuguda. See more photos after the cut...

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Who recovers faster from heartbreak?

Lately I have heard a lot of women say that men struggle more with moving on. You always see situations where the man just won’t let go no matter how hard the woman tries to tell him it’s over. It could be years since the breakup, and that man is still trying to get her back and make something happen.
Of course, we see women struggle too …but on the surface they seem to reach a point where they have moved on a lot quicker, well that is what many believe. They shed plenty of tears and experienced many sleepless nights. But now they appear to have accepted that it’s over. However, I don’t believe women recover faster than men. I also don’t believe men are better at moving on either. There are a lot of misunderstandings that lead to a belief that one moves on faster than the other, but lets take a deeper look.
Many women eventually learn the skill of “managing their emotions”. They have enough experiences of being emotionally vulnerable that they understand how to deal with them (in a way that they are “comfortable” with). They also learn how to take greater control by not putting themselves in emotionally vulnerable positions.

Emma nyra elele video...

Triple MG First Lady, Emma Nyra has released the striking visuals for her banging single ‘Elele’, featuring award winning artiste, Davido.

The video was directed by award winning cinematographer, Sesan Ogunro, styled by the renowned Chyna Bee, and shot at Inagbe Beach Resort in Lagos. The song itself was produced by TripleMG’s new comer, Selebobo.

The video follows the two young artists as they flirt at a beach party until the video transcends to a house party where they eventually realise they they share mutual chemistry for potential romance.

The colorful video features cameos from two of Africa’s top labels, Iyanya’s Made Men Music Group and Davido’s HKN GANG.

Triple MG First Lady, Emma Nyra has released the striking visuals for her banging single ‘Elele’, featuring award winning artiste, Davido.
The video was directed by award winning cinematographer, Sesan Ogunro, styled by the renowned Chyna Bee, and shot at Inagbe Beach Resort in Lagos. The song itself was produced by TripleMG’s new comer, Selebobo.
The video follows the two young artists as they flirt at a beach party until the video transcends to a house party where they eventually realise they they share mutual chemistry for potential romance.
The colorful video features cameos from two of Africa’s top labels, Iyanya’s Made Men Music Group and Davido’s HKN GANG.
- See more at: http://www.gurusloaded.com/video-emma-nyra-elele-ft-davido-official-video/#sthash.4oYoxgDm.dpuf

Triple MG First Lady, Emma Nyra has released the striking visuals for her banging single ‘Elele’, featuring award winning artiste, Davido.
The video was directed by award winning cinematographer, Sesan Ogunro, styled by the renowned Chyna Bee, and shot at Inagbe Beach Resort in Lagos. The song itself was produced by TripleMG’s new comer, Selebobo.
The video follows the two young artists as they flirt at a beach party until the video transcends to a house party where they eventually realise they they share mutual chemistry for potential romance.
The colorful video features cameos from two of Africa’s top labels, Iyanya’s Made Men Music Group and Davido’s HKN GANG.
- See more at: http://www.gurusloaded.com/video-emma-nyra-elele-ft-davido-official-video/#sthash.4oYoxgDm.dpuf

Local news Female Student Sells Her Newborn Baby For N620,000

A student of the Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Vivian Iwuji andher boyfriend, Obinna Ugochukwu have been arrested by the Imo state police for selling their new born baby boy for the sum of N620,000.
Female student and boyfriend sell baby for N620,000
Vivian who gave birth to a baby boy on August 2, 2014 decided with her boyfriend to sell their baby to a buyer, one Ehegalara Edwin who was also arrested by the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit of the Imo State Police Command, Owerri.
Luckily, the neew born baby boy was rescued from the buyer.
Their arrest was made possible by Vivian’s father, Mr Patrick Iwuji who reported to the police that him and his wife were aware that their daughter, Vivian was pregnant but he was not convinvced of his daughter explanation about the whereabout of his grand-child.
According to Mr Patrick Iwuji: “She told us that she was going to the hospital to deliver and when we visited her, we asked her about the baby. She told us that the baby was dead.“I didn’t believe her and there was no trace that my daughter’s baby was dead.

(Video)See What Patrick Obahiagbon Did To UNILAG Students

€On the 2014 United Nations International Youths Day held in UNILAG by Rise Networks, students of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) arm themselves with writing materials and mobile dictionaries to listen to Patrick Obahiagbon speak. Watch the video above, learn and laugh!
Watch Video